The 71st National Badminton Championship

2023.11.30 – The 71st National Badminton Championship is about to begin.
The National Badminton Championship, the primary competition conducted at the National Badminton Court, held its 71st stage yesterday, April 28, at the Colombo 80 Club.
The Sri Lanka Badminton Federation has scheduled this year’s competition, which will draw over a thousand athletes, to take place from December 4–10, 2018.sportzlanka
The Colombo D. S. Senanayake Vidyalaya has scheduled indoor badminton games as a center, and the Sri Lanka Badminton Indoor Stadium and Trade Services Badminton Stadium will host the tournament matches.
This year, a large number of athletes are anticipated to compete in a highly competitive competition, with prize money of up to two million rupees going to the winners.srilankabadminton
The draw for the tournament schedule is set for November 30, and player registration for this event is expected to close on November 24.
Women’s and men’s singles, doubles, and mixed matches will be played under the junior category, which is for ages 11 to 19, over 30 years old, and over 70 years old.